What up guys!
Killer day today! Got out to the rig early enough to watch the sun rise over the hlll and bathe the hill in the most insanely beautiful light! Started cranking out rig to jam some tunes for the Japanese team who was out tossin' it shortly after 9am. Hooked 'em with some Red Bull and chilled for a minute at the base with the riders and coach and took in the beautiful morning while we slammed our morning bulls! Got the beats goin', riders were uber stoked on it.
My man Glen from New Zealand showed up again, and we got him totally wired to jam out. He's been rockin' guitars for 20 years! He straight killed it! First live show out of the rig! Took us like an hour to get everything all linked together in the rig, we had cables and crap runnin' all over because I was missin' a couple adaptors I needed to plug his guitar in. By then the Japenese, Aussies, and New Zealanders were all throwin' down mad steeze in the pipe and a crowd of a hundred or so had gathered to watch and meet the future olympians. Such a cool vibee floatin' around the hill.
Mess of cables!

Ended the day pumpin' tunes for a USASA Half Pipe contest who's PA system crapped out minutes before their contest, they were stoked to say the least!
I got some video of the airbag but forgot my camera in the room. So it'll have to wait till tomorrow. I was going to shut down the Rig for the weekend and take a day off but one of the coaches from Japan was all bummin' his guys wouldn't have tunes for training, so I'm gonna a jam out one more day, I got hooked up with some fresh beats to blast!
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